RUNNING THEMES. By now we have found some running themes in the books we choose for our daughter. Its mainly hair/ self love, educational books, Xhosa Words & Xhosa Tales and Short Stories about positive character. (I’m not sure what category Peppa pig falls into.)
HOW MANY. We have 19 books (so far) in her collection, storage is becoming a problem, so is getting through bedtime reading :)! Some are for when shes a little older though because they’re extremely wordy or complex.
WHERE. We have various places that we pick up books from, hubby is a reader and will usually pick something up at pop up book sales when he goes past one, I’ve found books at Bargain Books, pop up book sales, CNA, and once in China Town. They really are easily available if you are actively keeping your eye out. We also have friends and family who know the love of books is strong and so she’s had a few gifted to her.
NAME A FEW. Above I’ve arranged her TOP top faves and the order is 1) Refilwe, 2) Ndiyamthanda utata Wam, 3) Intloko Enkulu, 4) Mpumi’s Magic Beads, 5) The Toothbrushes and we always end off our reading by singing the 6) ABC. 7) Peppa Pig is a new addition to her bedtime reads although shes had it forever too.
WHEN. We mainly use them at bedtime because that is really the only time when miss busy body is focused, its also become such a routine that she refuses to go to bed without reading first. Because we have a stash both in her room and the lounge, sometimes in the day she will pick them up and ask us to read something.
LAST THOUGHTS. On a funny note, I was a heavy bookworm (and crafter) myself as a kid- scissors and books, in a corner is where you would find me. Although she is quite the extrovert, I love offering my kid the same comfort and limitless thinking I found in them. I don’t know if anybody remembers the mobile libraries from back in the day? I lived for those- until my little brother drew in a book I’d borrowed from there and they fined me so I never went back :(, I thought for sure one day they would find and arrest me!
I am currently eyeing Imi’s Sore Tooth which I peeped on Book Circle Capital’s Instagram page, check them out- for the love of books obviously.
Imi’s parents are a problem :).